Worship Ministries
So many people help make worship at St. Paul's a joyful and reverent experience. Perhaps you have a skill, gift, or calling to serve in one of these roles. Whether you would like to serve during services or behind the scenes, please let us know if God is calling you to one of these ministries!
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for caring for the linens and altar vessels, as well as preparation of the altar for all church services, from Sunday services to baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Guild members work in pairs according to a monthly schedule. Please see Karen Rowe or Maura Ryan if you would like to be part of this important ministry!
Ushers and Greeters assist at the beginning of each service. They greet worshipers, distribute bulletins and other service materials, collect the offering, and bring it to the altar to be blessed.
Acolytes and Crucifers
Young people, ages 8 and up, as well as adults are encouraged to participate in these roles as they offer an opportunity to develop an appreciation of worship and learn more about the church’s traditions and practices.
At each Sunday service, lay people read the appointed lessons from the Old and New Testaments and lead the Prayers of the People. Sign-up sheets are in the back of the sanctuary, or email the church office.
Eucharistic Ministers
During the offertory, Eucharistic Ministers gather at the altar for the Eucharistic Prayer. They administer the chalice at Holy Communion.
Lay Leaders & Preachers
When a priest is not present, lay people serve as worship leaders, leading the congregation in the service of Morning Prayer. Lay leaders deliver the sermon. These are vital ministries that help all of us grow in Christ and together in community!
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for caring for the linens and altar vessels, as well as preparation of the altar for all church services, from Sunday services to baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Guild members work in pairs according to a monthly schedule. Please see Karen Rowe or Maura Ryan if you would like to be part of this important ministry!
Ushers and Greeters assist at the beginning of each service. They greet worshipers, distribute bulletins and other service materials, collect the offering, and bring it to the altar to be blessed.
Acolytes and Crucifers
Young people, ages 8 and up, as well as adults are encouraged to participate in these roles as they offer an opportunity to develop an appreciation of worship and learn more about the church’s traditions and practices.
At each Sunday service, lay people read the appointed lessons from the Old and New Testaments and lead the Prayers of the People. Sign-up sheets are in the back of the sanctuary, or email the church office.
Eucharistic Ministers
During the offertory, Eucharistic Ministers gather at the altar for the Eucharistic Prayer. They administer the chalice at Holy Communion.
Lay Leaders & Preachers
When a priest is not present, lay people serve as worship leaders, leading the congregation in the service of Morning Prayer. Lay leaders deliver the sermon. These are vital ministries that help all of us grow in Christ and together in community!